Airports:USA®: The Only Independent Forecast Source
Here's A Reality: FAA Forecasts Are Free... But You Can’t Afford Them.
Airlines today no longer are doing planning based on just econometric and demographic data. Instead, they are making route and capacity decisions based on a range of business strategies that in themselves will drive where air traffic will grow and where it will not. FAA and other sources still rely on raw econometric methodologies that assume airlines will simply react to such changes. Today, it's independent airline strategies that drive enplanements. As the leading aviation research team, Boyd Group International has the expertise to identify these changes and deliver realistic forecasts for our clients,
Only Airports:USA® has the methodology to deliver real-world forecast projections.
The airline industry in America has entirely different structure that that still assumed by FAA forecasts. A ULCC can enter an airport and spike enplanements with little or no warning. In fact, the FAA fails entirely to address the emergence of this “parallel” airline system. With an Airports:USA membership, you'll have immediate updates covering episodic events such as these.
Only Airports:USA® recognizes and addresses this new air transportation system.
Consumer expectations, new airline fleets, and shifting airline economics have shifted the role and the value range of air transportation as a communication channel. New market demands are emerging, while many routes with traditional traffic have died completely.
Only Airports:USA® recognizes the new travel demand drivers – not just “business” and “leisure” but instead, business, leisure, personal, and impulse. Each has a different dynamic at each airport. FAA forecast methodology just assumes that these are all lumped together.
Only Airports:USA® has the methodology to identify and forecast these sectors at each airport.
FAA and forecasts from other sources are simply annual point-in-time projections.
Only Airports:USA® is a live, on-going analysis of airline and market dynamics, updated monthly to address the rapid and episodic changes taking place in the airline industry.
Boyd Group International is the leader in aviation futurist forecasting, including airline corporate strategies and fleet trend projections. These are critical in assuring accurate planning.
Airports:USA Is The New Standard In Forecast Capability and Value.
An Annual Subscription Delivers Clear, Unbiased Traffic Projections